DIRECTOR RETROSPECTIVE — GIANFRANCO ROSI – BNP Paribas Dwa Brzegi — 16. Festiwal Filmu i Sztuki | Lubelskie 30.07-07.08.2022 Fri, 15 Jul 2022 01:41:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sacro GRA Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:18:50 +0000 GRA – Grande Raccordo Anulare is a sixty-eight-kilometers major freeway that circles Rome. Countless stories and films were dedicated to the Eternal City itself. Gianfranco Rosi turned the camera’s eye to the search for stories that unfold at its own pace, different from the hustle and bustle of the capital. Rosie’s heroes live a colourful life, filled with both small pleasures and drama. The director for his loving story about the outskirts of Rome won a Golden Lion in 2013 at the IFF main Competition in Venice. For the first time in history of Venice IFFs’ this award has been given for a documentary film.

Notturno Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:14:38 +0000 After shooting a moving documentary, expressing the drama of migrants landing on poor quality boats on Lampedusa, “Fire at Sea” Rosi went to the places from which they set off in search of a better life. He wanted to add and understand the beginning of this story, which for many refugees ends at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. The result of a trip through northern Iraq, inhabited by Kurds, Lebanon and Syria with a camera, is over 90 hours of footage. The director tells many parallel stories of people who try to live their lives despite difficult and demanding conditions.

Fire at Sea Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:10:48 +0000 From the small Italian Lampedusa, with its beautiful beaches and picturesque landscapes is closer to Africa than Europe. In recent years, this island has become the destination of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of refugees who want to start their lives on the European continent. Gianfranco Rosi portrays the islanders, contrasting their simple everyday life with the drama of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Rosi leaves the picture uncommented, opens up further discussions, and his astute film was awarded the Golden Bear at the Berlinale (2016).
