GREAT CINEMA ON THE SMALL MARKET SQUARE – BNP Paribas Dwa Brzegi — 16. Festiwal Filmu i Sztuki | Lubelskie 30.07-07.08.2022 Fri, 15 Jul 2022 02:21:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Back Then Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:39:51 +0000 The film is a prequel to the story about the family we met in the movie hit “These Daughters of Mine” by Dębska. The plot takes place in the mid-1980s of the 20th century, at the time of the People’s Republic of Poland. We look at heroes who don’t have much and enjoy small things – from the perspective of three generations in one house. The director’s (and the writer of the script) gaze is tender and full of empathy for the characters, who live a fulfilling life despite the absurdities and “permanent-lack-of-everything” reality that surrounds them.

The Wedding Day Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:35:26 +0000 Heavily speckled wedding in a wealthy family in a small town in northeastern Poland. The bride is pregnant, thinking about emigrating – on the contrary, her husband has a pack of like-minded friends and is thinking about working in his father-in-law’s company. In each of his films, Smarzowski shows what was hidden for too long. This time it is about a difficult thread in Polish history, about Polish-Jewish relations, which were both beautiful and shameful. Anti-Semitic and nationalist issues are still alive and unexplored in Poland. The title is WESEלE (the Hebrew letter ל – lamed appears instead of L).

Mr. Jones Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:31:12 +0000 The 20th century was a period of two great totalitarian systems, whose murderous actions cost lives millions of victims. Just as Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany are still the embodiment of evil to this day, the cruelty of the Stalinist period escape of the general awareness. Only the Ukrainian Holodomor – the Great Famine of the 1930s. cost the lives of four to five million people. A young, idealistic but also full of doubts Welsh journalist Gareth Jones sets off for the USSR to see for himself the course and results of the great processes of economic and social change in the Soviet Union. He is entering into next circles of hell, and his publications are unheard of neither in the UK nor in the world. Based on the findings of Jones’ journalistic investigation, the allegorical “Animal Farm” by Georg Orwell was written.

A Friendly Tale Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:27:19 +0000 Two couples, Léa and Marc, Karine and Francis, share a long-standing friendship. Their loyalties to each other are unexpectedly tested when Lea tells them at dinner that she is in the process of writing a book. This also arouses creative passions in Karine and Francis and causes consternation in Marc. The book by Léa is written, published by a major publisher and proved to be a bestseller. Can the happiness of some people make them unhappy, even though they are very-close ones?

Aline Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:23:43 +0000 The story of the youngest, fourteenth child of a family in which everyone made music and who became a star of world stature. Aline has an extraordinary voice and at the age of twelve she comes into the care of producer Guy-Claude. The film focuses on the later relationship between Aline and Guy-Claude – a love that has watched the whole world. When she entered his life, Guy-Claude had to give up his career as a producer. He discovered her, and she saved him. The film is inspired by the life of Céline Dion, “I have portrayed the real events in a cinematic way”, says the director.
