Mr. Jones

© Obywatel Jones, Mr. Jones, reż. Agnieszka Holland, fot. Robert Palka

Obywatel Jones
reż|dir Agnieszka Holland | PL, UK, UA | 2019 | 141 min
prod|pro Stanisław Dziedzic, Klaudia Śmieja-Rostworowska, Andrea Chalupa scen|wr Andrea Chalupa zdj|ph Tomasz Naumiuk muz|mus Antoni Komasa-Łazarkiewicz mon|ed Michał Czarnecki ob|cast James Norton, Vanessa Kirby, Peter Sarsgaard, Joseph Mawle, Kenneth Cranham, Krzysztof Pieczyński, Patrycja Volny, Marcin Czarnik, Michalina Olszańska dys|dis Kino Świat


The 20th century was a period of two great totalitarian systems, whose murderous actions cost lives millions of victims. Just as Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany are still the embodiment of evil to this day, the cruelty of the Stalinist period escape of the general awareness. Only the Ukrainian Holodomor – the Great Famine of the 1930s. cost the lives of four to five million people. A young, idealistic but also full of doubts Welsh journalist Gareth Jones sets off for the USSR to see for himself the course and results of the great processes of economic and social change in the Soviet Union. He is entering into next circles of hell, and his publications are unheard of neither in the UK nor in the world. Based on the findings of Jones’ journalistic investigation, the allegorical “Animal Farm” by Georg Orwell was written.

2019 Berlin IFF – nominated for Golden Berlin Bear for Best Film
2019 Gdynia PFF – Golden Lions for Best Film
2019 Gdynia PFF – Golden Kangaroo for Best Film
2020 Eagles PFA – nominated for Eagle for Best Film
2020 Eagles PFA – nominated for Eagle for Best Director
2020 Eagles PFA – nominated for Eagle for Best Screenplay
2019 Camerimage FF – nominated for Golden Frog in Main Competition
2020 Eagles PFA – nominated for Eagle for Best Cinematography

— AGNIESZKA HOLLAND (1948), the most famous Polish, world-class director. She graduated in directing from FAMU in Prague. Initially she assisted to Krzysztof Zanussi and Andrzej Wajda. In 1981, just before martial law was imposed in Poland, she emigrated to France. In his work she often explores political and moral issues within the confines of an oppressive regime. She creates outstanding films, appreciated by cinema audiences, film critics and jury of prestigious film festivals around the world. He also directs TV series, such as the episodes of "House of Cards" or "1983". In 2011 her drama "In Darkness" was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the 84th Academy Awards.

2020 Szarlatan|Šarlatán|Charlatan
2019 Obywatel Jones|Mr. Jones
2017 Pokot|Spoor
2011 W ciemności|In Darkness
2006 Kopia mistrza|Copying Beethoven
1997 Plac Waszyngtona|Washington Square
1995 Całkowite zaćmienie|Total Eclipse
1993 Tajemniczy ogród|The Secret Garden
1992 Olivier, Olivier
1990 Europa Europa
1988 Zabić księdza|To Kill a Priest
1987 Kobieta samotna|The Lonely Woman
1985 Gorzkie żniwa|Bittere Ernte|Angry Harvest
1979 Aktorzy prowincjonalni|Provincial Actors
1977 Zdjęcia próbne|Screen Tests

© Festiwal Filmu i Sztuki Dwa Brzegi Kazimierz Dolny Janowiec nad Wisłą