Preserve | Rezerwat, dir. Łukasz Palkowski, press pack

PRESERVE | Rezerwat | dir. Łukasz Palkowski | PL | 2007 | 100 min

prod|pro Maciej Ślesicki, Jolanta Rojek scen|wr Łukasz Palkowski, Marcin Kwaśny zdj|ph Paweł Sobczyk muz|mus Sebastian Krajewski mon|ed Paweł Witecki ob|cast Marcin Kwaśny, Sonia Bohosiewicz, Grzegorz Palkowski, Artur Dziurman, Violetta Arlak, Tomasz Karolak, Mariusz Drężek dys|dis Fundacja Promocji Kina Film Polski

Fledgling freelance photographer Marcin Wilczynski (Marcin Kwasny), after a stormy breakup with his girlfriend has to leave her luxurious apartment. He moves to a dilapidated, old building in ill-famed Praga – notorious for being the most dangerous district of Warsaw. His new landlord (Krzysztof Janczar) hires him to prepare photographic documentation of the deplorable state of the house. While taking pictures of the neighbourhood, Marcin unexpectedly discovers alien and at the same time fascinating world of the old Warsaw, not mentioned in official guidebooks. The world where specific rules and code of honour has been preserved… The first “culture clash” comes when Marcin tries to get closer to intriguing, voluptuous owner of the local hairdresser’s – Hanka B. (Sonia Bohosiewicz) and thus draws unwanted attention of her boyfriend, hot-tempered criminal Rysiek (Tomasz Karolak). As if this was not enough, Marcin becomes the target for mischief for a mysterious red hair boy. He starts with breaking Martin’s windows and mirrors in his antique wardrobe. Then, he steals his favourite camera. And that is only the beginning of a series of dramatic and funny events, that will change our hero’s life, winning him new friends and enemies.

„Preserve” is a hit comedy that won multiple awards in Poland and abroad. The film is an entertaining, vital movie, vigorously expressing human vices and virtues. It’s message is optimistic and universal. Funny dialogues, amazing characters and superb acting, great camerawork and editing make „Preserve” a first-class entertainment for a world-wide audience.

His début feature short “Nasza ulica,” based on one of Jan Himilsbach’s stories, earned him the first prize at the Warsaw Jewish Film Festival. He worked as assistant director with Maciej Pieprzyca, Krzysztof Lang, Jan Kidawa-Błoński. Jury member at the XXX FPFF Gdynia Film Festival. His full-length debut “Preserve” got him 15 awards, including the Polityka Passport award for “the most promising debut of the last seasons, for skilfully merging his own artistic ambitions with the audience’s expectations, for exemplary cooperation with the actors.” In 2011 he directed “Wojna żeńsko-męska,” which got him a Golden Duck nomination.

2007 FFD YOUTH AND FILM Koszalin – Jury Special Prize, Youth Jury Prize, Audience Award, Journalists’ Award for Łukasz Palkowski,  Award for best acting debut for Sonia Bohosiewicz
2007 IŃSKO FILM SUMMER FESTIVAL – „Golden Fish” Award for best polish film
2007 PFF Gdynia –  Award for best directing debut, Silver Screen Audience Award, Journalists’ Award for Łukasz Palkowski, Award for best editing for Paweł Witecki, Award for best supporting actress for Sonia Bohosiewicz
2007 ZBIGNIEW CYBULSKI AWARD for Sonia Bohosiewicz
2007 FAF TWO RIVERSIDES Kazimierz Dolny, Janowiec – Audience Award
2008 POLITYKA’S PASSPORT – Award in the „Film” category for Łukasz Palkowski
2008 EAGLE, POLISH FILM AWARD in the „Discovery of the year” category for Sonia Bohosiewicz;
2008 PFF New York – Special recognition for Sonia Bohosiewicz
2008 IFF FESTROIA Setúbal – Award for best debut for Łukasz Palkowski
2008 IFF GOLDEN BRIG Odessa – Award for best actor in a leading role for Marcin Kwaśny
2008 BALTIC DEBUTS FF Swietłogorsk – Award for best screenplay for Łukasz Palkowski and Marcin Kwaśny




© Festiwal Filmu i Sztuki Dwa Brzegi Kazimierz Dolny Janowiec nad Wisłą