International Short Film Competition — results

© Kamień, dir Bartosz Kozera

This year, 22 Polish and foreign productions have been qualified for the International Short Film Competition, and today we know who the winners are. The jury composed of: Justyna Wasilewska – actress, Piotr Wereśniak – director, and Michał Walkiewicz – film critic, decided to award the prizes and honourable mentions to the following films.

The official sponsor of the prizes in the International Short Film Competition is MAKonLine Ubezpieczenia.

— The First Prize of PLN 5,000: “The Stone” (dir. Bartosz Kozera) for an impressive dance in the minefield – a well-written film about faith, the Church and a lemming-like rush, shot with a sense of delicate dramatic matter, in which sarcasm, tenderness and absurdity are measured with great precision.

— The Second Prize of PLN 3,000: “7th of August” (dir. Michał Bolland) for a film full of paradoxes: intimate in perspective and epic in narrative, based on personal testimonies and journalistic to a razor-sharp level, covering a cultural war and paying tribute to its accidental victims.

— The Third Prize of PLN 2,000: “Important Police Shit” (dir. Andrew T. Betzer) for a film of fact made in accordance with the best genre traditions – an empathetic yet critical portrait of police cadets who, in order to serve people, first have to learn to protect themselves.

The sponsor of the honorary mentions in the International Short Film Competition is MJ2 Team Managers.

— The Honorary Mention for “Stories Keep Me Awake at Night” (dir. Jérémy van der Haegen) for narrative consistency and precise form, perfectly illustrating the universal desire for freedom.

— The Honorary Mention for „Alice and the Frog” (reż. Olga Bołądź), for being a testimony of untameable film imagination, in which Charlie Kaufmann goes hand in hand with new-wave filmmakers, and where the rites of passage cinema meets a surreal fairy tale.


© Festiwal Filmu i Sztuki Dwa Brzegi Kazimierz Dolny Janowiec nad Wisłą